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Podcast – Roots and All x Herb Society

Everybody loves a good natter, and that’s exactly what our very own Barbara Wilkinson had with Sarah Wilson from Roots and Allabout the Herb Society, our activities, and of course herbs. On an episode of the Roots and All podcast, Barbara and Sarah talk through the definition of a herb, our affinity for herbs and what herbs will suit your garden/space. If you’re a new member of the Herb Society this is also a great introduction to the history of the charity.

Listen now: https://rootsandall.co.uk/portfolio-item/episode-86-herbs-with-barbara-wilkinson-of-the-herb-society/

Roots and All is a project by horticulturalist, vegan and low-impact gardener Sarah Wilson, aiming to provide a practical guide to all things horticulture.

“It’s important to demystify everything, from the basics like digging the soil and sowing seeds, to creating an entirely new outdoor space from scratch.” 

– Sarah Wilson, Horticulturalist

For more information about Roots and All visit the website here. You can subscribe and listen to the podcast via Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Libsyn.


The Herb Society