Some books make my heart leap for joy and this author has done just that by telling stories aimed at children, but at the child within us all.
Dandelion Medicine tells the story of six-year-old Sammy, a mouse, who spends time with his grandad looking at the meadows and the wonderful plants that can be food and medicine. Grandad teaches Sammy through his stories, just like all herbalists still do today especially while taking people foraging and on walks. This is the way information has been passed down the centuries, it brings it alive, connects us to nature and our own environment while using all out senses including, touch, taste and smell, something screens can’t do.
Plantain Medicine is the second book, but you don’t need to read these in order. Here Sammy has his friend round to play but she gets stung, fortunately Sammy knows which herb is needed as his mother has taught him.
Identification and an explanation of how to use these herbs, is enough to spark any imagination into giving this a try. These beautifully illustrated paperbacks are a pleasure to read, frankly they should be on the curriculum, developing minds and keeping the importance of herbs alive and relevant in any setting.
Stories are important, they help us remember and they are to be shared, connecting us across the world and through the generations, just as we have always done.