The Little Grower’s Cookbook by Ghillie James & Julia Parker

Encouraging the next generation to get outdoors and embrace nature is at the core of this carefully curated guide to growing your own fruit and veg. Divided into four informative chapters, The Little Grower’s Cookbook walks you through gardening basics and preparation, how to plant, care for and harvest your crops, and finally how to create delicious dishes with the fruits of your labour.

Each step guides parents on how to help their little ones get stuck in and feel involved in the growing process, while the final chapter of the book provides tips on other simple activities you can do to keep the kids occupied. From how to build a wormery, to creating flower-scented water and herb-filled jam jar gifts for loved ones, there’s something for everyone.

Sustainability and upcycling feature in many of the creative projects, with everyday items repurposed to help keep gardening projects cheap and cheerful. Creating a watering can from old plastic milk bottles and a seed tray from egg boxes show you don’t need to buy lots of tools to get crafty.

The simple step-by-step instructions complemented by beautiful photos, makes this book both an informative and inspirational guide to getting outdoors and back to nature. It’s sure to be a book parents return to again and again.


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