The Wild Remedy – How Nature Mends Us by Emma Mitchell

The author makes no secret about her struggle with mental health and the depression which she lives with throughout life.
Emma discovered the best healer is nature and here she invites us on her journey through one year in her life, starting in October, which we all know, can be a very depressing month, depending on how you look at it.
Emma is a scientist, zoologist and naturalist, with skills in art and creativity. Combining all this and her love of nature, has brought her into the limelight featuring on many TV and radio programs.
Emma is honest in this diary, taking us through the months and into visual and witty adventures, often with her beloved dog as company.
The science as to why things affect us is referred to throughout, helping the reader gain an insight into the senses and actions nature has on us. With her interest in environment, geology and the local landscape, details come to light creating a clear insight into much more than local flora and fauna.
A quote in the book is from Alice Walker, “I understood at a very early age that in nature, I felt everything I should feel in church but never did.”
Many will connect with this beautifully illustrated, inspiring, poignant book and appreciate its essence, using it month by month, but also gaining insight on many levels into why our connections are strong, powerful and important.

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