Herb Society Local Groups

Welcome to the local group section of our website

Local Groups run meetings and help raise the profile of themselves and the Herb Society through activities, talks, garden visits and events  .

Here you can find out:

  • If there Is a local group in your area.
  • How to get in touch with groups.
  • How to start a local group if you are interested in starting one.
  • Guidelines for running a group
  • Idea sharing with other groups.
  • Funding opportunities for your group.


If you would like more information on how to start your own  group in your area or how to advertise your events then please contact us at: [email protected]

Fenland Natural Health Herb Group

The New group are based in South Lincolnshire. Here is some info on their meetings and Events.

The herbalists running this new group are Emma Barker, Ghislaine Headland-Vanni and Lois Campbell and they are all Herb Society members. They promote natural health and well-being with medical herbalism being at the core of what they do.

They meet on the forth Thursday of each month (except December) at Sutterton Village Hall, Park Avenue Sutterton, Boston, Lincs. PE20 2JH. Meetings are from 7:30-9:00pm.

email them at [email protected]

Or visit their Facebook page www.facebook.com/fenlandnaturalhealth


For more information on their events see their website: www.herts-herb-group.co.uk

The Cheshire and Greater Manchester  Herb Group

To register your interest contact Caroline Daniel from this Group for contact email [email protected]

Suffolk Local Group

To register your interest or find out about this group contact [email protected]



North East Scotland Herb Group

NE Scotland Herb Group has members in Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire and south to Fife. NESHG events (meeting virtually in 2021) are posted on www.facebook.com/NEScotlandHerbSocietylocalgroup  New members welcome. Contact [email protected]

South west Scotland Herb Group

Are you in the South West Scotland area and have a passion for herbs, register your interest by email to Sue Hughes who runs this group meetings are in the Dumfries area.Contact [email protected]

The Heart of Scotland Herb Group

 To register your interest in this group Email Cath Mcgregor [email protected]

If you would like more information on how to start your own regional group in your area or how to advertise your events then please contact [email protected]