Secrets From A Herbalists Garden, A Magical Year of Plant Remedies By Jo Dunbar

The introduction of the book says, “Due to a pandemic people became frightened, isolated and felt abandoned, as doctors doors closed and paracetamol was recommended as a panacea for everything.”

That created a groundswell of interest in self-help and health with herbalists finding themselves busier than ever, in recent times.

Medical Herbalist, Jo Dunbar has brought together, 22 years of her seasonal and spiritual lifestyle in this little book.

She focuses on foods, herbs and spices to forage, grow or find in the kitchen cupboards around the UK, Europe and North America.

Chapter one starts with the Winter Solstice, she then takes us  through the year, ending with Samhain. Each chapter is descriptive of place, observing nature and reflecting the harmony we can achieve, by being part of nature.

Winter is about supporting immunity, rest and nourishing ourselves, there are recipes for food, drink and medicine, they are are shared with tips and dosage suggested.

I particularly like some of the names Jo gives to her recipes, such as, Dragon’s Blood Chest Cleanser and Elfwort Balls which include Elecampane, Liquorice and Marshmallow roots with Slippery Elm bark.

The book references scientific studies, has beautiful line drawings and the authors approach to keeping it simple will resonate with many. The aim of the book is to guide the reader to take care of themselves and their health especially, with food, herbs, spices, naturopathy and our connection with nature to nourish the soul.






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