Braiding Sweetgrass By Robin Wall Kimmerer

I was introduced to this book while meeting up with Alys Fowler and the girls @idlewomen project who have a Physic Garden, by the canal side in Nelson Lancashire.

We had a fabulous day together, sharing stories, ideas and hopes for the future of herbal medicine.

This book was mentioned, and I simply had to read it, it can be life affirming or changing for many and for me it’s one I go back to many times.

The myths, legends and stories are told with science shared also. Beautifully observed and written with indigenous people in mind and nature at its core.

An essential read for anyone, a revelation to some, which will be joy and sadness, but also hope that if we contribute in a certain way in our lives, we can make a difference.

Here are a couple of quotes from this excellent book:

“To love a place is not enough. We must find ways to heal it.”

“If we use a plant respectfully, it will flourish. If we ignore it, it will go away. This is a theory generated from millennia of observations of plant response to harvest, subject to peer review by generations of practitioners, from basket makers to herbalists.”

Robin Wall Kimmerer is a botanist with indigenous wisdom, scientific knowledge and shares the teachings of plants in her remarkable book, Braiding Sweetgrass.




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