Grow Your Own Physic Garden by Elaine Perry, Valerie Laws and Nicolette Perry

I was lucky enough to visit Dilston Physic Garden in Northumberland, created by two wonderful women, that have a passion for herbs that they like to share with others. This book is a guide to being more self sufficient in life by creating a garden that can feed, nourish, heal and restore harmony to lives.

Students of Herbal Medicine, are often asked to create a medicinal garden as part of their study. For others it’s a dream, to create and be guided by nature for a life that connects us on deeper levels, for wellbeing and to restore what we once had in ever town and city, a garden for medicine, teaching and contemplation, a resource, a safe place to feel the surroundings and learn from nature herself.

This mother and daughter team, worked with Valerie to create this book as a insight into what is possible. Science plays a huge role in herbs and the team have a background in that, pulling together the art and science of our herbs.

Chapters include Know, Grow and Use, with afterthoughts and resources. History, chemistry, cultivation, safety, brain and the future of herbs are all included here as the authors share their breadth of knowledge acquired over a long lifetime and with personal experiences and concerns.

You don’t need a field or large space, pots and indoor plants can be all we need sometimes, this book can show the way and encourage our passion for plants.

Colour images throughout describe gardens and plants that can be for all in nature, but there is also information on regulations, oils, incense, cosmetics, and much more.

This book is a culmination of study, a life’s work, it can be dipped into anytime as a reference and an excellent read to guide and inspire, a gift from those that understand the importance of education, knowledge and heritage. A garden is never finished, it evolves, in fact Dilston has expanded in recent years with an adjoining field now being turned over to grow more herbs, predominately for herbal teas.

If you love herbs and want to do more with them – join us! Find out more