Vandana Shiva has been described as an activist, eco-feminist, scholar, advocate – her passion and dedication to fighting for causes she believes in is truly inspirational. Her new book highlights so many important global movements, with chapters dedicated to food security, climate action, water and the impact of globalism amongst others.
Vandana’s love of trees is apparent throughout her book. The fight against commercial forestry in the Himalayas sowed the seeds for her interest in biodiversity and was her gateway to grassroots activism. Other common themes that are woven throughout her writing are the role that women have played as activists and protectors of the forests, as well as the importance of forests to the communities of many Asian countries.
This book is often challenging to read, in terms of the content itself and the number of issues facing Mother Earth and her children. However, it shines a spotlight on what is happening across our beautiful planet right now, and will hopefully inspire more “warriors” to join the fight.