The Tree Dispensary The Uses, History, and Herbalism of Exotic Trees By Christina Stapley

This book is the second in a series about trees, but in this volume, she takes the
reader around the world to see some that we class as exotic. The wonderful
thing about the author, is that she has been to visit these trees in their native
countries and has given her insights and perspective on each tree she met.
As in the previous book, on European trees, history, folklore, recipes and
medical insights are shared. As a former phytotherapist Christine has had years
working with plants and extensively researching their properties etc. This depth
of knowledge is shared in both books making them an excellent addition to any
library, for those with an interest in trees.
The book shares insights into trade from resins to spices, the affects on human
populations often exploited for their trees and land. Wars and a history of
slavery all played a part and do not miss being included as the stories unfold in
this very well researched book.
As I handle each tincture, leaf, berry, resins or dried barks etc from trees my
thoughts often go to these two books, as I like to remind myself frequently of
the knowledge and wisdom trees give us.
To travel the world and visit China, North America Oman and more is a delight,
but to read about the trees they’re that some of us use in herbal medicine or
as food as a joy. Often, we only see these trees in arboretums around the UK,
something I have a passion for, which I am sure many of our members share.
Some of the excellent photos in the book, such as Juglans nigra/ Black Walnut,
are taken at Weld and Downland Living Museum, corporate members of The
Herb Society that I hope to visit one day. Christine is involved there and clearly
share her passion for trees with them.
Each tree has a History of Medicinal Use and a Herbalist’s Reference section
also, this makes for a great guide and makes easier to read than some would
expect, especially compared to an encyclopaedia. The book is referenced
throughout, for those that want to delve deeper.

AEON Books are thrilled to announce that Christina Stapley has been awarded the 2023 Di Baggio Prize for her book The Tree Dispensary: The Uses, History, and Herbalism of Exotic Trees by the International Herb Association in the USA.

To celebrate AEON Books are offering readers 20% off – along with the companion volume about native European Trees.

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