Herbs around the web
The web is a great place to find information but there are almost too many places to look! Here are some favourite places for finding out about herbs.
Our Herb Society pages
Our new website
The new and improved Herb Society site is now up and running at herbsociety.org.uk – so do check out the exciting new design and easy to use format. If you’re not already a member, there is a list of membership benefits and how to join – don’t forget we accept membership from around the world! More information will be added to the website as it develops. The Members Area has electronic copies of the Herb Journal and E-newsletters, and coming soon will be exclusive offers and discount codes.
Plus don’t forget to check us out on social media:
Pinterest is a way to collect together related articles around the web, each one represented by an image. Click on the image to read the article. Our Herb Society treasury of advice and inspiration is growing, with more links appearing regularly. Find us at pinterest.com/herbsocietyUK
We post on facebook about twice a week so if you’re one of the billions of facebook users worldwide, why not like our page and keep in touch at facebook.com/herbsocietyuk
Follow herbsocietyuk on twitter for daily event news and herby tips or follow this link: twitter.com/herbsocietyuk
Other Herb websites
The National Institute of Medical Herbalists, NIMH
Whereas the Herb Society strives to promote all aspects of herb use, the NIMH specialises in herbal medicine. Although their website is aimed primarily at connecting medical herbalists with potential clients, there is a great wealth of information on there about what they do and how they can help. Check out their links page for lots of general herb sites to visit. Visit nimh.org.uk
RHS advice pages
The Royal Horticultural Society has a large online presence, but this comprehensive list of hazardous plants may be of particular use to anyone considering the use of a garden plant as a herb: rhs.org.uk Hazardous plants
Herb blogs
Sarah Head is a very knowlegable trainer in herbal medicine and has a wealth of recipes and information on her blog, as well as links to many other interesting herbal blogs: kitchenherbwife.blogspot.co.uk
Debs Cook ran our website for many years and has a very informative blog at herbal-haven.co.uk
Shopping for herbs
Many previous Herb Society Presidents have some sort of online presence. Check out Sarah Raven for general gardening; Jekka McVicar’s Herb Farm for herb seeds and gifts, and Toby Buckland’s nursery at Powderham near Exeter is currently developing its online shop.
For potted herb plants try Hooksgreen Herbs and for a specialist lavender grower try Downderry nursery – both these growers have won numerous RHS awards.
Your suggestions for herb websites
We do not receive advertising money for any of these links and do not claim that it is anywhere near a complete list!
Do you know a good website or blog for herbs? Do leave the address in the comments section below with a reason why!
We don’t take responsibility for the accuracy of advice or information provided on other sites.
Former Chairman Barbara Depledge contacted us to recommend The Herb Society of America (not to be confused with our own website address as they are very similar) and Learning Herbs – thanks Barbara!
Do add your suggestions at bottom of page!
Written by Ruth Ridley